4th cover: Strange as it may seem, the family curse inherited by Oedipus at his birth has never been analyzed prior to this study. Going back four generations in the lineage of Oedipus, the author deciphers the transgenerational inheritance that alienates Oedipus until his discovery of his adoption and the identity of his parents. The crisis Oedipus then suffers appears to be a necessary j ...
Translated from the French edition : "Intégrer ses héritages transgénérationnels" Just as leaves grow on branches and trees have roots, we do not come from nowhere. And to a greater extent than we usually assume, the DNA, talents, values and life experiences of our ancestors still live within us, with both beneficial and detrimental consequences. Indeed, trauma, unfinished grief, family se ...
Translated from the French edition : "Chamanisme, rapport aux ancêtres et intégration transgénérationnelle" The Ancients already knew the therapeutic potential of the family links between generations that we rediscover in modern transgenerational practices. Far from being a new fashion, the recognition of transgenerational processes dates back to the first shamanic type of communities. The ...